The Deatherians
In Amsterdam, the evil Dr. Krator — better known as “Dr. Death” — plots how to bring more patients into his clinic for euthanasia, while others involve themselves deeply in Amsterdam’s notorious porno activities. O’Keefe’s play is a dark satire of the late-twentieth-century destruction, a world obsessed with death and degradation.
Among O’Keefe’s many plays are Jimmy Beam, Ghosts, All Night Long, and People Like Us, which received critical acclaim in Los Angeles.
Paperback: 110 pages
Published by Green Integer (November, 2003)
Shimmer & Other Texts
“In Shimmer, a rivetingly kinetic solo performance piece, … O’Keefe’s prose recaptures with astounding fidelity the turbulent, quick-changing emotions and acute sensory experience of adolescence.”
– Stephen Holden, The New York Times
Also includes compete texts of the companion works Don’t You Ever Call Me Anything But Mother and The Man in the Moon
Paperback: 72 pages
Published by Theatre Communications Group (January, 1993)
Extreme Exposure
An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century
Performance art can be traced back to the tradition of the “Griot” (African oral historian), Greek monologists, and medieval traveling minstrels. Solo performers all have a story to tell and in so doing speak directly to each member of their audiences. Each artist in this anthology adds a fresh voice to the genre. Readers are introduced to monologs and performance pieces that come from a variety of artists.
Paperback: 450 pages
Published by Theatre Communications Group (February, 1999)
“It isn’t just O’Keefe’s wondrously musical voice – an instrument that captures the thrilling electricity, penetrates the heights and plumbs the resonant depths to make the words written in 1855 seem startlingly fresh… he’s captured the words’ music to a degree that makes the verse viscerally immediate. More than that, he embodies Whitman’s radically democratic, all-embracing vision of America as a ‘nation of many nations.’ We could certainly use more of that in these fractious times.”
– Robert Hurwitt, SF Chronicle
“O’Keefe the performer is masterful at communicating the sweeping, everlasting audacity of the poem in all its musicality, iconoclasm, sensuality, boundless wisdom, and bravado.”
– Robert Avila, SF Bay Guardian
Publisher: [San Francisco]: Farleyfilm; First edition. edition (2007)